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Riihipiha Museum

Kuusirannantie 67, Vuolijoki
+358 44 976 7132
The Riihipiha Museum is located in the centre of the Vuolijoki village. The museum showcases a rural yard area and the activities in rural Kainuu. Museum is open 15.6.-11.8.2024 Wed-Fri 11 am - 5 pm. Closed 21.-23.6.2024.

Visit the Riihipiha Museum to see the way of the life in the Kainuu countryside before electricity became more commonplace.

The purpose of the private museum built in the Vuolijoki village is to collect, preserve and present a rural yard area and its activities the way it was before the use of electricity became more common.

The 35 numbered buildings and approximately 4,000 objects compiled in Riihipiha show visitors how previous generations lived in Vuolijoki and the Kainuu region. The Riihipiha Museum has been operating in Vuolijoki since 1991.