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Vuolijoki stone church

Kivikirkontie 3, 88270 Vuolijoki
Discover the only greystone church in Kainuu. The church was built out of stone based on a decision by the Imperial Senate of Finland although the parish actually wanted a wooden church.

The church was designed by architect Josef Stenbäck, who, together with his wife, also painted an altarpiece that is a replica of Edvard Gebhard’s Last Supper in 1906.

The church was completed between 1905 and 1906, and it was inaugurated on 1 January 1907 as the church of the Second Coming of Christ. The architectural style represents romantic nationalism and Jugendstil. The church can accommodate approximately 400 people. The church has a 13-flute pipe organ. An accessible toilet is located in an adjacent parish building. The induction loop is most audible downstairs. The funeral viewing area is located in a nearby cemetery service building.

The church is open 12.6.–30.8.2024 Mon-Fri 9–15.